Posts in home design
The Trendy Scene for 2019

I love going to Market! But not the grocery store kind—I don’t really understand why, but I hate grocery shopping. But a trendy scene full of 2019’s most beautiful furniture, fabrics, lighting, and art in the Las Vegas design hub? Yes please!!

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Why We Need More Hygge in Home and Community

The holidays are over. Congratulations! You celebrated/survived another year packed full of ups and downs and sideways. Now is the time that we really get settled in for the winter—keyword here is settled. And I’ve found hygge to perfectly represent how to settle into a loving home and community.

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What is Hygge?

What’s the best way to put into words that feeling of “home”? You know what I mean. Cozy is just a part of it, but there’s so much more. “Home” is a place, a feeling, a memory. It’s full of warm scents and happy sounds.

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